

eLaboratories—or eLabs—is an emergent space for cultivating connections, conversations, and collaborations between a diverse community of practitioners engaged in editing, recovery, or other research activities related to making source materials accessible, discoverable, or (re)imaginable. Through our courses, forums, events, and more, practitioners can share their passions, grow their expertise, and shape the discourse of a vibrant, innovative, and inclusive community.

Empowering Practitioners & Projects

We seek to pursue that purpose by offering a variety of resources: from free courses, events, and other informational online content, to avenues for connecting with other practitioners and promoting your project. We want to support you. Your experience here is designed around helping you define your project’s goals, explore methods of practice, and access the communities and tools that can support you along the way.

An Open Ecosystem

The practices of editing and recovery span numerous communities and disciplines. We seek to cultivate a space for cross-fertilization, co-creation, and collaboration—a place where all practitioners are encouraged to grow by listening to and learning from each other. This means that we hope to learn, too. We welcome feedback from you on how we can best foster this online space and provide resources that support your work, and we aim to update our website with courses and resources that reflect your suggestions and practice.

Welcome to the community. Thank you for your contributions to the journeys of your fellow practitioners.