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Neel Agrawal is the Digital Projects Librarian at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Neel manages and curates LMU's vast array of open access digital collections. Previously, he managed LA Law Library's extensive collection of foreign and international law, launched the South Asia Open Archives, and served as an inaugural fellow at the Harvard Library Innovation Lab for his groundbreaking work on African Drumming Laws. Neel draws on his extensive social justice background cultivated through working for the National ACLU and interning at the Soros Foundations, South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre, and the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library. He obtained Juris Doctor and Bachelor's Degrees from Michigan State University, as well as a Master of Library and Information Science Degree from University of Washington.
Cathy Moran Hajo is a historian and scholarly editor. She currently serves as the editor/director of the Jane Addams Papers at Ramapo College of New Jersey, which is producing the Jane Addams Digital Edition and the Selected Papers of Jane Addams. For over twenty-five years she worked as the associate editor of the Margaret Sanger Papers at New York University, on a microfilm edition, a digital edition, and the Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger. She is the author of Birth Control on Main Street: Organizing Clinics in the United States, 1916-1939. She has experience in editing microfilm, print, and digital projects using databases and XML encoding. She has taught courses on digital history at Ramapo College, New York University and William Paterson University, and served for many years as faculty at the Institute for Editing Historical Documents and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute. She is an active member of the Association for Documentary Editing, serving as President in 2008-2009. She volunteers with the Mahwah Museum, serving as vice president and archives director. She uses Omeka Classic to run the Jane Addams Papers and is happy to talk with anyone about this platform and how it is best applied for editing.
Emily Bell is a Lecturer in Digital Humanities in the School of English at the University of Leeds, UK. She has published on Charles Dickens, biography and afterlives in Victoriographies (2020), and on Dickens in fiction for her edited collection, Dickens After Dickens (White Rose University Press, 2020), in addition to further publications on literary biography and digital approaches to nineteenth-century newspapers and periodicals. As well as editing Dickens's later short fiction and David Copperfield for The Oxford Edition of Charles Dickens (Oxford University Press), she is Co-Editor of the Curran Index to Victorian periodicals, Co-Editor of Dickens Search, and Editor of The Dickensian. She is a Consultant Editor for The Charles Dickens Letters Project, sits on the international advisory board of TEI By Example, and is a Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute.
Christopher Ohge is Senior Lecturer in Digital Approaches to Literature at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. He is also a core faculty member for e-Laboratories, where he is working on the Fundamentals of Editing Course (formerly known as the Institute for Editing Historical Documents, or “Camp Edit”). Since 2018 he has also taught editing and book history courses on the London Rare Books School. He serves as the Associate Director of the Melville Electronic Library and an Associate Editor for Melville's Marginalia Online. Before moving to London, he served as an associate editor at the Mark Twain Papers & Project at the University of California, Berkeley. He has held postdoctoral fellowships and taught at the University of Maine, Boston University, and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. The author of the recent book Publishing Scholarly Editions: Archives, Computing, and Experience (Cambridge University Press, 2021), he has also published work in Textual Cultures, Scholarly Editing, Essays in Criticism, American Literary History, Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies, and in several edited collections.
Serenity Sutherland is one of the instructors at eLaboratories. For more information on that see: Beyond her interests in documentary editing she teaches on digital media, media studies, digital humanities and women and gender studies at SUNY Oswego.
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